Areas of Influence
A seminar that summarizes how parents influence their children, including affecting their environment, social identity, consequences to behavior, and developmental stages.
Affecting Young Children's Behaviour
A seminar specific to parents with preschoolers. Understand the unique aspects of influencing behavior, the attention principle, and how play and discipline are connected.
Promoting Peer Social Competence
A seminar specific to parents with preschoolers. Learn the importance of this key developmental skill, how its connected to emotional self-regulation and school readiness, and how you can support your preschooler to initiate and maintain friendships.
The Problem With Discipline
This seminar supports parents to understand why simply relying on consequences to shape behavior leads to power struggles and 'rebellion', and what to do about it. Seminar content will be specific to the developmental stages of middle years or teens.
The Family System
Children are not the only ones in a family who go through developmental stages. Learn the typical ages and stages that both children and parents go through, and how they affect both the messages that parents give, and what their children hear.